Mar 02, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Music Option, General Studies, A.A.

Associate of Arts | MUSI.AA | Transfer Program
Visit marlboro hall, room 1068 or call 301-546-0955 for your faculty advisor

Program Description

The Music Option prepares students to transfer into a bachelor’s program in music at a four-year college or university.

Graduates of the Music Option will be able to:

  • Apply principles of music theory to the evaluation and interpretation of musical scores
  • Describe the historical evolution of Western music as it relates to stylistic periods, performance  practices, and representative composers and their works
  • Utilize current technologies in performance, composition, notation, and distribution of music
  • Demonstrate through performance technical proficiency and stylistic grasp at the sophomore level
  • Work collaboratively to apply technical and stylistic knowledge and skills to an ensemble performance
  • Transfer into a bachelor’s degree program in music at a four-year institution

General Education Courses

The list of general education courses appears in the General Education List . Some programs recommend or require specific courses to fulfill general education requirements. Please check your program’s sequence of study for this information.

Program Requirements

Applied Music

(choose one of the 4-semester sequences below, each course 2 credits)

Music Theory

(4-semester sequence, each course 3 credits)


(three courses from the following,  each course 1 credit, may be repeated)

Choose one of the following:

Choose one of the following:


Credit earned at any public institution in the state shall be transferable to any other institution if the:

  • Credit is from a college or university parallel course or program;
  • Grades in the block of courses transferred average 2.00 or higher; and
  • Acceptance of the credit is consistent with the policies of the receiving institution governing students following the  same program. Refer to ARTSYS at and the receiving institution’s catalog to select transferable courses.

Need Help?

For help selecting an academic program or courses, consider using Career Coach, available at

Sequence of Study - Music Option A.A.

Below are the required courses for your program arranged in a suggested sequence. Please note that the sequence does not  include developmental coursework. See Academic Preparation  for the developmental course sequence if applicable to you.

1st Semester

Total: 13 Credits

2nd Semester

Total: 16 Credits

3rd Semester

Total: 15 Credits

4th Semester

Total: 16 Credits

Program Total: 60 Credits

1Either the Social Science course or the History course must be taken at the 2000 level to reach 18 credits of 2000-level courses.

Asterisk (*) denotes a general education course.

Double asterisk (**) denotes a course that is an institutional requirement.