Mar 13, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Early Childhood Education: Math and Science Certificate

Certificate | TCHR.ECE.MATHSCI.CT (pending MHEC approval)
Visit Marlboro Hall, Room 2011 or call 301-546-5250 for your faculty advisor

Program Description

This 21-23-credit certificate is designed for students who desire to have additional proficiency in infusing mathematics and science concepts and skills into the early childhood education curriculum and classroom. This certificate provides students with skills and knowledge both in the content areas of mathematics and science and in the pedagogical strategies for effectively teaching math and science to young children. All courses can transfer into the ECE A.A.S. degree program and some courses are also transferable to the A.A.T. Graduates in ECE degree program.

Graduates of the ECE: Mathematics and Science Certificate will be able to:

  • Apply child development and learning theories when choosing developmentally appropriate practices and curriculum for specific and groups of children
  • Write effective and developmentally appropriate lesson plans
  • Differentiate lessons and activities for a variety of purposes and groups of children
  • Demonstrate the skills necessary to communicate effectively with families and the community
  • Plan, implement, assess, and evaluate student learning outcomes and behavioral objectives in a variety of instructional settings
  • Relate science and mathematical concepts to early childhood curriculum
  • Demonstrate the dispositions and behaviors consistent with professional practice and ethical standards as outlined in NAEYC, InTASC, and other current professional standards

Note: All TED courses must be passed with a grade of C or higher.

Sequence of Study - Early Childhood Education: Math and Science Certificate

Below are the required courses for your program arranged in a suggested sequence. Please note that the sequence does not include developmental coursework. See Academic Preparation  for the developmental course sequence if applicable to you.

Total: 5 Credits

Total: 7 Credits

3rd Semester

Total: 9-11 Credits

Program Total: 21-23 Credits

Asterisk (*) denotes a general education course.