Feb 08, 2025  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Student Course Loads

Students are classified as full-time (12 or more credit hours in a semester), half-time (six to 11 credits in a semester), or part-time (fewer than six credit hours in a semester). Developmental course Equivalent Hours (EH) count as the equivalent of credit hours when determining a student’s full-time, half-time, or part-time status. Audited courses do not count in this determination nor do classes from which a student has withdrawn. Students may not register for more than 18 credits in a given semester without advisor approval.

Assignment of Credit Hours

At Prince George’s Community College, one credit hour equals 37.5 clock hours of instruction/student work per 15-week semester or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Prince George’s Community College adheres to and applies the U.S. Department of Education’s Definition of a Credit Hour to all credit courses in all modalities.

U.S. Department of Education Credit Hour Definition

An amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates not less than:

  1. One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time.
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

Grades and Grading Policies

At the end of each semester or term, the semester grade point average and cumulative grade point average (GPA) are calculated. Both GPAs are shown on the official transcript. Grades earned in courses awarded in transfer from other institutions are not used in the calculation of the cumulative GPA and are not reflected in total credits earned.

The following grades earned at the college are used in the calculation of the GPA:

Grade Grade Meaning Quality Points
A Excellent; well above average 4
B Good; above average 3
C Average 2
D Minimum passing; below average 1
F Failure 0
FX Failure due to ceased attendance 0
 F* Failure as a result of academic dishonesty 0

The grades listed above are those that are used to calculate a student’s GPA. However, certain courses may not use all of the grades listed above to evaluate student performance at the end of the semester. Specifically, faculty in certain courses may determine that some of the grades listed above are inappropriate for the particular course.

FX  The FX grade may be assigned by the faculty member to any student on the roster who did not officially withdraw from the course but who failed to participate in course activities through the end of the period. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities or both were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible.

The following grade designations are not used in the calculation of the grade point average:

H Audit (not for credit)
  Signifies that a course was not taken for credit. The tuition and fee charges for auditing a course are the same as if the course were taken for credit, but auditing students are not evaluated and do not receive a grade.
I Incomplete
  A grade that is normally assigned if a student has satisfactorily completed 75 percent or more of a course’s requirements but cannot finish on time due to extenuating circumstances. To receive this grade, an Incomplete Contract must be signed by the student, faculty member, and appropriate department chair or dean and submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records when final grades for the course are submitted. Any incomplete grade must be made up prior to the end of the subsequent semester or the I grade is changed to F. Students should not re-register for a course in which they have an I grade. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the instructor who assigned the I grade and arrange to complete the work required for a regular grade to be assigned.
NA Never Attended
  The NA grade may be assigned by the faculty member to any student on the roster who never attends or academically participates in the class during the first three weeks of class (or the equivalent of 20% in short courses).
P Passing
  Signifies a passing grade in a nongraded course.
IP Incomplete, in progress
  The grade of IP is reserved for modularized courses in which students have demonstrated progress but did not complete all modules in the class. The number of modules necessary to achieve an IP grade is consistent across all sections in a course. Students who receive an IP grade must register for the next course in the sequence in the following semester.
TP Toward Passing
  A deferred grade used to signify that the student was progressing but was unable to achieve the necessary level of proficiency prior to the end of the semester. A student receiving the TP grade was asked to reregister for the course in a subsequent semester. Not given after fall 2008.
W Withdrawal
  Indicates that the student voluntarily withdrew from the course prior to the twelfth week of classes or the equivalent.
N No grade
  No grade submitted at the time grades were being processed.

Grade Reports

Students may view their grades online as soon as a course has ended and grades have been processed. Grade reports are no longer mailed to students. No grades will be available to students who have an outstanding debt with the college until the Student Accounting Office certifies that the debt has been paid in full.

Repeated Courses

Students may repeat any course in which a grade lower than A was received and may be required to do so if a grade of D or F was earned. When a course is repeated, the original grade remains on the student’s permanent record but no longer contributes to total credits attempted or cumulative GPA. The new grade is entered for the appropriate semester of work and, unless a grade of W or NA was earned, the new grade becomes the one used in the calculation of the student’s GPA for that course.

Students who, after receiving a D or an F grade in a course at Prince George’s Community College, successfully complete a comparable course at another college may use the transfer credit awarded for that course as a repeat of the course taken at this college. Students must be re-enrolled at the college and must request this treatment as soon as an official transfer evaluation is received by contacting the transfer evaluator in the Office of Admissions and Records, 301-546-0803. In such cases, the grade earned at Prince George’s Community College is flagged as repeated and the impact of the grade on the GPA is eliminated.

The college reserves the right to determine the comparability of another institution’s course to the one taken here before applying this treatment.

Students may attempt a course twice without special permission. Permission to attempt any course a third time must be granted by an advisor or the appropriate department chairperson. Permission to attempt a course a fourth time (third repeat) must be granted by the academic dean of the division offering the course and is granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Transcripts and Enrollment Verifications

Official copies of transcripts may be obtained upon written request from the Office of Admissions and Records, Bladen Hall, Room 126. “While you wait” service is available during regular business hours. Transcripts may be requested in one of three ways: in person, by mail, via the Internet (www.pgcc.edu). No transcript will be issued for students with an outstanding debt to the college. Current students may print unofficial copies of their own transcripts through Owl Link, the college’s online student system, provided there is no outstanding debt. Go to www.pgcc.edu or to my.pgcc.edu for more information.

Enrollment verifications are available free of charge upon written request or upon receipt of a properly signed release form through an external agency or organization. Such verifications are not done on a while-you-wait basis. All external agency forms are sent directly to the agency involved. Verification letters may be picked up by the student or mailed to the receiving party.

No enrollment verifications will be issued for a given semester until courses have begun and the refund period for the courses has passed. The college is a member of the National Student Clearinghouse and reports the enrollment status of all registered students several times during each semester. The college relies of the Clearinghouse to verify the enrollment and degree attainment of students to lenders and other external agencies.

The college reserves the right to withhold transcripts or enrollment verifications for any student or former student who has an outstanding debt to the college, including but not limited to tuition, fees, returned check fees, parking fines, and library charges.

Changes of Program/Not Applicable Courses

Students must designate a program of study or curriculum at the time they apply for admission to the college. The choice of a program of study is an important one since it dictates what degree requirements a student must meet as long as they are enrolled in that curriculum. Students who decide that another curriculum is more appropriate to their goals should change the curriculum rather than continue in one no longer relevant. Students may change a program of study by completing a curriculum change form, available from the Office of Advising and Transfer Services, Bladen Hall, Room 124. Students interested in changing a program of study will also be referred to the Career Center to see an advisor before the curriculum change process is completed.

Sometimes when a curriculum is changed, certain courses that were taken in connection with the old program of study may not be relevant to the new program. A student may request that such inapplicable courses not be counted within the new program of study. Such requests must be sent to the director of Admissions and Records as part of the proper completion of a curriculum change form. Courses that are determined to be not applicable to the new program will receive the designation N/A (not applicable) and will no longer affect the student’s GPA or be counted toward meeting graduation requirements.

The N/A designation will be applied to courses that were specifically required in the former program of study and that are not applicable to the new program as required courses or recommended electives. Courses that satisfy a general education requirement are not eligible for the N/A designation unless the new program of study lists specific general education courses as required courses and courses taken previously may not be used as approved substitutes for the required courses.

Students requesting this evaluation of their academic record should be aware that all such nonapplicable courses will receive the N/A designation regardless of the grade earned. Normally, this treatment may be requested only once.

Academic Forgiveness

Students readmitted to the college after an absence of at least five calendar years may request that up to 16 credit hours of previous coursework be made nonapplicable to their current program of study, above and beyond the provisions of the Changes of Program/Not Applicable Courses section above. The returning student, with the assistance and approval of an academic advisor, determines which courses taken before the break in enrollment are to be forgiven. Upon the approval of the vice president for academic affairs, these courses are marked N/A on the student’s academic record and are no longer counted toward determining the student’s GPA or total credits earned. Students who wish to request this privilege must be officially enrolled during the semester in which the request is made.

Class Attendance/Participation

While each faculty member has the authority to set attendance and participation requirements for his/her classes, the college in general expects that students will regularly attend the classes for which they are registered from the first day onward. In the case of distance learning courses, the expectation is for participation through timely completion of assignments, involvement in online discussion groups, contact with the instructor to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course, and other such indicators of engagement with the course.

Faculty are required to administratively withdraw any student who fails to attend or participate in a class during the first 20 percent of its meeting dates. This withdrawal is recorded as a Q grade and an effective date of last attendance must be assigned. It is treated the same as a student-initiated withdrawal in terms of its impact on the GPA.

Administrative withdrawals take priority over student-initiated withdrawals. Students who have been given a Q by the instructor may not, therefore, change this grade to a W at a later time in the semester.

Withdrawal from Classes

Students may withdraw from a class up until the published withdrawal deadline. This may be done online or in person. Students should determine the impact of a withdrawal from one or more courses on financial aid prior to completing the withdrawal, especially in cases where the withdrawal will result in a change from full-time to half-time status or from half-time to less-than-half-time status. The college recommends that any student withdrawing from all classes for a given semester meet with an advisor to discuss options prior to processing the withdrawal. Students may not continue to attend any course from which they have withdrawn.

Students should check their schedules in Owl Link 24 hours after withdrawing from a class to make certain the withdrawal was processed. Students who withdraw in person also should keep their copy of the withdrawal form until they can see that the grade of W has been recorded.

The last day to withdraw from a full-semester class is shown in the schedule of classes each semester and is normally at the end of the twelfth week of the semester. Students enrolled in classes that end earlier than the traditional length courses or that meet for a shorter period of time should ask the instructor for the withdrawal deadline. No student may withdraw after a course has ended or after an NA grade has been submitted by the instructor. The official withdrawal date is the date the Office of Admissions and Records receives the proper, signed withdrawal form or the date the withdrawal is successfully completed in Owl Link.

Students who follow this withdrawal procedure will receive a grade of W. A grade of W has no impact on the student’s GPA but does count as one attempt at the course.

Dean’s List

Each semester the Dean’s List is published to recognize students who have achieved academic distinction. To be eligible, a student may be full time or part time and must have completed at least twelve credit hours of college-level classes at Prince George’s Community College with a GPA of 3.50 or above. Dean’s List eligibility is determined after the student completes 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 hours
of college-level work.

Academic Standing

At the end of each fall, spring, and summer semester each student’s cumulative GPA is recomputed to determine that individual’s academic standing. The cumulative GPA is computed by dividing the total number of quality points for all credits (A = 4 points, B = 3 points, C = 2 points, D = 1 point, and F = 0 points) by the number of semester credit hours attempted. The grades earned in developmental and ESL classes are not part of the GPA calculation, as they are pre-credit coursework. A student remains in good academic standing provided he or she maintains the minimum GPA standards set by the college.

Minimum Standards for Good Standing

Standards for students who have attempted 20 credit hours/equivalent hours/continuing education units or less, including one or more developmental education courses:

  Courses Attempted Completion Standard
  2 or more 50 percent passing

Standards for students who have enrolled in only credit courses or have attempted more than 20 credit hours overall:

  Credits Attempted Minimum GPA
  6-18 1.50
  19-31 1.75
  32-44 1.85
  45 or more 2.00

Students failing to maintain these standards are placed in the following categories:

  • Academic Warning
    A student who, at any point after six credits (or two developmental courses) are attempted, falls below the prescribed minimum standards for good academic standing is placed on academic warning. Students on academic warning may not register for more than 13 credit hours during any semester in this status. A student on academic warning must achieve a 2.00 semester GPA every period enrolled. A student on academic warning who fails to reach the prescribed minimum standard is placed on academic restriction.
  • Academic Restriction
    Academic restriction results when a student on academic warning fails to achieve a 2.00 semester GPA and/or reach the minimum cumulative GPA. Students on academic restriction, with the approval of an academic advisor, may register for no more than two courses. Courses must be selected from those that an academic advisor has prescribed to prepare for academic success. Students must achieve the minimum required GPA during the current enrollment period to return to academic warning status or, if applicable, to good standing. Students who fail to achieve the minimum required cumulative GPA but who achieve a 2.00 term GPA will remain on academic restriction. Those who fail to meet this requirement are dismissed.
  • Academic Dismissal
    Academic dismissal results when a student on academic restriction fails to achieve at least a 2.00 GPA during the current enrollment period. Academic dismissal precludes registration for any courses for a period of at least one semester unless the student has previously been dismissed from the college. A student dismissed for academic reasons a second or subsequent time is not permitted to register for any courses for one full calendar year.

Appeals of Academic Standing

To be readmitted following academic dismissal or restriction, regardless of when it occurred, students must meet with an academic advisor to complete an “Application for Reinstatement After Suspension or Dismissal” form and submit the completed form with all required supporting documents to the Office of Admissions and Records. The applications will be reviewed by a Reinstatement Committee, which will meet monthly. Students will receive notification of the committee’s decision within three business days after the meeting date, provided no additional information is needed.

Academic Complaints

Students who want to contest a final course grade must indicate their intent to appeal within 30 days of the electronic posting of the grade. Appeals that are filed after 30 days of the electronic posting of the grade will not be considered. The appeal must be submitted by e-mail or hard copy to the department chair or departmental office and must be accompanied by a completed Student Complaint Form. This form is located on mypgcc.edu.

Complaints of an academic nature are generally resolved within the division offering the course in which the complaint occurs. Questions about grades and performance in class should normally be discussed first with the instructor. Complaints that are not resolved in this fashion or that are not suitable for resolution in this way should be referred to the department chair or to the dean who is administratively responsible for the department. Appeals of decisions in academic matters may be directed to the vice president for Academic Affairs or her designee.

Student Code of Conduct

The Prince George’s Community College Code of Conduct, adopted by the Board of Trustees, defines the rights and responsibilities of students and establishes a system of procedures for dealing with students charged with violations of the code and other rules and regulations of the college. Copies of the code may be obtained from College Life Services Office which is located on first floor of the Largo Student Center.

Academic Integrity

The college is an institution of higher learning that holds academic integrity as its highest principle. In the pursuit of knowledge, the college community expects that all students, faculty, and staff will share responsibility for adhering to the values of honesty and unquestionable integrity. To support a community committed to academic achievement and scholarship, the Code of Academic Integrity advances the principle of honest representation in the work that is produced by students seeking to engage fully in the learning process.

It is the responsibility of all faculty members at the beginning of every semester to call all students’ attention to the Code of Academic Integrity as part of the college’s commitment to academic honesty. It is the student’s responsibility to know, understand, and be conversant in the tenets and sanctions associated with the violation of the Code of Academic Integrity. However, lack of awareness of this policy on the part of students shall not be considered a defense against charges of plagiarism or cheating. The definitions and policies regarding plagiarism contained in the Student Handbook and other college publications in no way preclude an individual faculty member or any academic unit from issuing supplemental guidelines on academic dishonesty.

A charge of cheating or plagiarism may result in failing the assignment and/or failing the course in addition to other disciplinary sanctions. Failing a course due to a violation of the Code of Academic Integrity will be recorded as such on the permanent academic transcript with a grade of F*.

The college shall maintain responsibility for providing information about the Code of Academic Integrity through its admissions and faculty appointment procedures and programs. The entire document is available on the college’s website at www.pgcc.edu; in the offices of the vice presidents for academic affairs and student services located in Kent Hall; the offices of the academic deans; and College Life Services.

Disruption of Class

Willful disruption of the instructional process both inside and outside the classroom, for whatever reason, will not be tolerated. Instructors will take appropriate actions to have disruptive students removed from their classes. Students charged with disruptive behavior are subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may lead to suspension or expulsion.

Falsification of Records

Intentional falsification of academic records, which includes but is not limited to grade reports, official and unofficial transcripts, enrollment verification forms and letters, transcripts from any college, demographic information reported on the application and residency documents is subject to appropriate disciplinary action and may lead to suspension or expulsion.

Graduation Requirements

Students who wish to graduate from Prince George’s Community College, either in an associate degree program or a certificate program, must successfully complete a prescribed group of courses called a curriculum, which differs for each program of study. Within any one curriculum, courses fall into one of three categories-program requirements, general education courses, and elective courses. Program requirements are those required to specialize in the field the curriculum represents (i.e., management, criminal justice, art, etc.). General education courses are those required to fulfill college and state requirements for documentable learning in broad academic categories, such as science, mathematics, or the humanities. Program Electives are chosen from a specific list unique to a particular program of study, while other elective courses may be chosen by the student and allow the student to tailor the curriculum to his or her career or transfer objectives. Some curricula have few or no electives. Certificate programs consist primarily of program requirements but also may have a few general education or elective courses listed. Students should follow requirements for the curriculum in which they plan to graduate exactly as they appear in the catalog in effect the semester in which they first officially selected a program of study. Students must enroll in EGL-1010 , INT-1010 , and a general education math course appropriate for their program of study within the first 18 credits of their credit-bearing load. Additionally, students admitted to PGCC before fall 2014 are required to take PAS-1010 Planning for Academic Success  if they place into DVR-0061 College Reading and Study Skills  . For fall 2015 and subsequent semesters, all new students and those who transfer in fewer than 12 credits are required to complete PAS-1000 First Year Experience  (1 credit). For more information about PAS-1000  and PAS-1010  see Course Descriptions .

The overall requirements for the Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Applied Science, and Associate of Arts in Teaching degrees are as follows:

  • A minimum of 60 credit hours in academic courses, 18 of which need to be taken at the 2000-level unless otherwise noted in the program. At least 15 of the 60 credit hours must be earned at Prince George’s Community College. No more than 30 hours may be earned through nontraditional learning modes and of those no more than 15 may be earned through portfolio assessment and/or challenge exams.
  • Completion of the degree requirements of the specific curriculum in which the degree is to be awarded, including the general education requirements, as described in the college catalog issued for the academic year in which study in that curriculum began or which was in effect during the academic year of the most recent readmission to the college. Students in Health Sciences curricula must complete the program concentration requirements in place at the time of enrollment in the first course in the concentration.
  • An overall GPA of at least 2.00 for all courses taken at this college.
  • Filing of a formal application for graduation prior to the deadline published in the academic calendar. The Office of Admissions and Records checks for completion of all degree requirements and verifies degree eligibility. The application is available online as well as from the Office of Admissions and Records, Bladen Hall, Room 126. There is no fee associated with filing a graduation application.

Graduation with Honors

The college recognizes high academic achievement by awarding the following Honors designations to associate degree recipients based on overall GPA. These standards are:

  With Honor GPA from 3.50 to 3.69
  With High Honor GPA from 3.70 to 3.94
  With Highest Honor GPA of 3.95 or higher

Requirements for Additional Associate Degrees

Students may earn additional associate degrees at Prince George’s Community College either by concurrent completion of the requirements of the multiple degrees or by subsequent study after the first degree is received. The requirements for earning additional degrees are as follows:

  • Complete all requirements of each program of study including general education requirements.
  • Earn a minimum of 15 credit hours at the college in addition to those required for the initial degree for each additional degree.
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 for all courses completed in addition to the initial degree.

Certificate Requirements

The overall requirements for the award of a certificate of program completion are as follows:

  • Complete the course and credit requirements of the certificate program of study as specified in the college catalog in effect for the academic year in which study toward the certificate began or in effect for the academic year of the most recent readmission to the college.
  • Earn at least 15 credit hours at this college, which are applicable to the certificate, except where special permission is granted by the vice president for Academic Affairs.
  • In cases where a certificate program requires fewer than 15 credits, half of the required credits must have been earned at this college.
  • Maintain an overall GPA of at least 2.00 for all courses taken at the college.
  • File a formal application for graduation at the time of the final semester’s registration. The application is available online as well as from the Office of Admissions and Records, Bladen Hall, Room 126. There is no fee associated with filing a graduation application.

Letter of Recognition Requirements

The college offers within many of its occupational programs of study the opportunity for students to earn a letter of recognition, signifying successful completion of a cluster of courses that together provide specific skills or areas of competency. The letter of recognition is awarded for the completion of a prescribed cluster of courses of less than 12 credit hours with a 2.00 cumulative GPA for the courses required. At least one required course must have been completed at Prince George’s Community College. To request a letter of recognition, contact the Office of Admissions and Records.

Records Policy (FERPA)

Notification of Rights under FERPA for Post Secondary Institutions

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords the following student rights with respect to education records:

  1. The right to inspect and review the education records within 45 days of the day the college receives a request for access. The student must submit to the director of Admissions and Records a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The director will make arrangements for access and send notice of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the Office of Admissions and Records, the director will advise the student of the college official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of education records believed to be inaccurate or misleading.
  3. The student must write the college official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record in question and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
  4. If the college decides not to amend the record as requested, the college will send notice of the decision and advise the student of the right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided at that time.
  5. The right to consent to disclosures of nondirectory, personally identifiable information contained in education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the college has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Directory information is information that may be released to a third party without written consent of the student. Directory information includes, but is not limited to, name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, dates of attendance, degrees earned, and previous colleges attended. While the college does not routinely release such information to everyone who inquires, it may legally do so if the third party demonstrates a legitimate need to know such information. Students may refuse to permit such disclosure without written consent by notifying the director of Admissions and Records in writing of their wish to be excluded from such a release of information.
  6. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:

    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202-4605

Different Ways to Take Courses

Classroom Instruction

Most students at the college take their courses in a traditional classroom setting. Courses may meet three or four days per week for an hour, two days a week for 90 minutes, or once a week for two-and-a-half hours or more. Classes also are scheduled in a variety of other formats, from intensive one-week workshops to Sunday afternoon sessions. Students may choose days and times that best fit their schedules. All face-to-face classes are web enhanced through the use of Blackboard; therefore, it is expected that all students will have internet access.

Weekend College | Marlboro Hall, Room 1095 | 301-546-0785

The Weekend College serves the needs of those who may not be able to participate in college credit courses during the week. It offers students a wide variety of courses in alternative formats. A student may choose to enroll in weekender courses that meet on alternating weekends. Generally, the weekender (Friday evening and all day Saturday) schedule permits a student to enroll in other courses within one semester. Students must register for these courses at least two weeks prior to their first face-to-face meeting. Students are required to complete course assignments online prior to the first face-to-face meeting. To ensure that students have access to course materials and assignments, all weekender courses will have a Blackboard course site available three days before the course begins. The course syllabus and any assignments due prior to the first face-to-face meeting are identified on the Blackboard site. In addition, the college offers a wide range of Saturday-only or Sunday-only courses that meet over a 15-week period on Saturday and/or Sunday mornings or afternoons.

Registration deadlines are published in the class schedule and appear on Owl Link. While most weekend courses meet at the Largo campus, additional weekend courses are offered at Prince George’s Community College at Joint Base Andrews, Laurel College Center, and Prince George’s Community College at University Town Center.

eLearning Services | Accokeek Hall, Room 346 | 301-546-0463 | www.pgcconline.com

As an alternative to the traditional, face-to-face learning environment, the college offers a wide variety of courses that use interactive Web-based applications, interactive video, and multimedia computer applications in varied combinations to deliver instruction. Students who enroll in eLearning courses typically seek added convenience, greater independence, and more autonomy in pursuing their coursework. Students may elect to participate exclusively in online courses to complete one of the degree programs available in an online format.

Online Courses

Online courses are a convenient way to earn college credit at Prince George’s Community College. Students can access interactive coursework via a computer and the Internet without the need to be physically present in a classroom at a specific time. Online courses are delivered through a course management system that allows students to receive and review course materials online. In addition, students are able to interact and communicate with instructors and fellow students, complete assignments and assessments, and conduct research. Students can use a computer with Internet access anytime, anywhere to participate in their online courses. For information about noncredit online courses, visit www.pgcconline.com/coned or call 301-546-0463.

Hybrid Courses

Hybrid courses combine classroom meetings and online instruction. Students come to campus at a regularly scheduled time and meet face-to-face with their instructors and fellow students; other coursework, assignments, and group work are accomplished online via the Blackboard online classroom.

Additional Locations to Take Courses (Extension and Degree Centers)

The college provides five additional locations, called degree and extension centers: Joint Base Andrews, Laurel College Center, Skilled Trades Center, University Town Center, and Westphalia Training Center. Joint Base Andrews, Laurel College Center, and University Town Center offer a wide range of credit courses and opportunities for degree attainment. Courses at these three locations are identical in title, number, course content, and credit to those available at the Largo campus. Some noncredit continuing education courses are also offered. In most cases, these locations are open the same hours as are student services offices on the Largo campus (8:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Monday-Thursday and 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. on Friday). The Skilled Trades Center offers noncredit continuing education courses in a variety of formats in the skilled construction trades, and Prince George’s Community College at John Eager Howard Community Center holds the college’s Culinary Center.

All college policies and academic regulations in effect on the Largo campus also apply at the other locations. While the college makes every effort to provide a full range of services at each location, some services, due to their specialized or complex nature, are unavailable anywhere but the main campus in Largo.

See Campus Overview for an overview, contact information, directions, and maps of each campus.