Mar 02, 2025
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Marketing Management, A.A.S.
Program Description
The Marketing Management program helps students develop the methods, tools, techniques, and management skills needed for success in marketing, which involves the distribution of goods and services. These skills have broad applications in private organizations as well as in government and nonprofit organizations. Graduates may get jobs in retailing, inventory control, transportation, warehousing, advertising, or selling. The courses required for the Marketing Management Certificate may be applied to the Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Marketing Management. Graduates of the Marketing Management A.A.S. will be able to: - Develop strategic marketing plans to include a target market analysis, product/service mix, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, and promotional plan
- Analyze marketing information for effective decision-making
- Analyze the basic service of managing a retail business
- Evaluate the interpersonal determinants of consumer behavior and decision processes
- Articulate an understanding of e-business, B2B e-marketing, B2C e-marketing, and how the Internet has changed and challenged the traditional methods of doing business
- Analyze competitive domestic and international strategies for creating unique brands for different product categories
- Analyze the effects of a business evolving from a local, to a national, to a global marketplace
- Demonstrate sales techniques
- Illustrate how the product life-cycle affects the development of new products and the management of existing products
General Education Courses
The list of general education courses appears in the General Education List . Some programs recommend or require specific courses to fulfill general education requirements. Please check your program’s sequence of study for this information. Program Electives-choose two from the following:
Credit earned at any public institution in the state shall be transferable to any other institution if the: - Credit is from a college or university parallel course or program;
- Grades in the block of courses transferred average 2.00 or higher; and
- Acceptance of the credit is consistent with the policies of the receiving institution governing students following the same program. Refer to ARTSYS at artweb.usmd.edu and the receiving institution’s catalog to select transferable courses.
Sequence of Study - Marketing Management A.A.S.
Below are the required courses for your program arranged in a suggested sequence. Please note that the sequence does not include developmental coursework. See Academic Preparation for the developmental course sequence if applicable to you. Program Total: 60 Credits
Asterisk (*) denotes a general education course. Double asterisk (**) denotes a course that is an institutional requirement. Triple asterisk (***) denotes a course that satisfies the culminating experience requirement for A.A.S. programs. |