Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Tuition and Fees

Tuition (Subject to Change)

Tuition is charged per credit hour or equivalent hours (EH). The rate varies according to a student’s legal residence for tuition purposes.

Tuition rates effective Fall 2020:

Prince George’s County residents $107
Maryland residents, other counties $202
Out-of-state residents $304

These rates are subject to change without notice.


Note: Except as otherwise provided, students must pay or otherwise provide for all tuition and applicable fees on the day of registration. If payment in full is not received, the student’s registration will be canceled. Payment should be in the form of cash, personal check, certified check, money order, or approved credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover). Use of financial aid, scholarships, veterans benefits, and any other sponsorship which provides payment directly to the college is equally acceptable.

Instructional Services Fee

The instructional services fee is a mandatory per-credit fee for all credit and developmental studies courses offered at the college. The college annually conducts a discipline cost analysis to determine the costs of the academic disciplines offered at the college and adjusts the fee accordingly. The Instructional Services Fee is $47 per credit.

Other Fees

Fees are charges assessed in addition to tuition. They may be per credit or they may be flat, per-semester or per-course fees. As used in this section, the word “semester” includes intersession and the summer term as well as the traditional fall or spring semester. Like tuition, fees are subject to change.

Academic Transcript Fee

Students pay either $6 or $8 per copy for transcripts. Requests made in person or by mail cost $6. Those made over the Internet cost $8 per copy.

Application Fee

Any student who applies to the college, either for the first time or after an absence of two or more years, must pay a non-refundable $25 application fee at the time the application is submitted. The college will not bill an employer or other third party for the application fee.

Applied Music Fee (Per Course)

Students pay a 15-clock-hours per semester fee of $250.

Challenge Exam Fee

Students pay a standard $35 fee. Some examinations requiring a lab component will cost an additional $15. Contact the college’s Testing Center, 301-546-0147, for details.

Check Stop Payment and Reissue Fees

If a student loses a check or does not receive it due to an incorrect address on file, a $25 stop payment fee and a $10 check reissue fee will be assessed. If a check is not cashed within its 90-day validity period, a $10 check reissue fee will be assessed.

F-1 Visa Processing Fee

Applicants seeking enrollment at the college under an F-1 student visa will be charged a $25 F-1 visa processing fee as part of the admission process. This fee is in addition to the $25 application fee charged to all students.

NBS/FACTS Processing Fee

A student who participates in the college’s deferred tuition payment plan (NBS/FACTS) will be charged a $35 processing fee each semester of participation.

Information Technology Certification Fee

Information Technology (INT) courses leading to CCNA certification, along with several advanced level courses taught through Information Technology, assess a special fee of $32 per credit to cover costs associated with offering these specialized courses.

Portfolio Evaluation Fee

All students enrolled in CAP-1050 will be charged a $15 per credit hour fee for each course submitted for evaluation through the portfolio assessment process (PLAN).

Registration Fee

Students are charged a $25 registration fee for each semester of enrollment in credit courses. This fee is refundable only if all of a student’s classes are canceled by the college.

Returned Check Service Fee

A $25 service charge will be assessed on all checks returned unpaid by the bank. This includes payments stopped by student or account holder.

Domicile: Determination of Student Residency for Tuition Purposes

While tuition at Prince George’s Community College is charged by the credit hour, the amount charged per credit is determined by a student’s official place of residence, referred to as “domicile.” A student’s domicile must fall into one of three categories: Prince George’s County resident; Maryland resident in a county other than Prince George’s County; out-of-state (including out-of-country). In all instances, a student or the person upon whom the student is dependent must have been a resident of the state and the county for a minimum period of three months to qualify for in-state or in-county tuition rates.

The full residency policy is given in Important Policies  of this catalog, but several things are worth noting:

  • Underage students and students who have graduated from high school in the past two years are automatically considered to be dependents of their parents/legal guardians. They will be considered residents of the county or state in which their parents reside, unless legal documentation dictates otherwise.
  • Students in the above category who lived with one parent out of the county or state but who are now living with the noncustodial parent in Prince George’s County or in Maryland may be considered residents of the county or state upon presentation of a birth certificate containing the appropriate information.
  • Students claiming residency in Prince George’s County but who graduated from a non-county high school in the past two years must provide proof of legal dependency on a Prince George’s County resident during the most recently completed tax year. In addition, if the high school was in another country, proof of citizenship or visa status also must be provided.
  • Undocumented students are considered non-Maryland residents for tuition purposes unless they qualify for lower rates under the Maryland Dream Act. It is the student’s responsibility to provide evidence of in-county residency. Contact the Office of Records and Registration at for eligibility criteria and more information.
  • All students should be prepared to document living in the county or state for a minimum period of three months. Failure to have updated documents which reflect the current address will result in the student being charged out-of-state rates. The college will use the dates on documents presented as verification of the three-month requirement.
  • International students must present their visas or other documents in order for a residency classification to be made. Not all visa holders are able to establish legal domicile in the United States and would therefore be ineligible for county or state residency status.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to report a change of address within 30 days of its occurrence. Failure to do so may result in a hold being placed on the student’s record until satisfactory proof of legal residence is given.
  • Post office boxes cannot be used as legal addresses. They may be used as mailing addresses if proof of a legal address has been provided.
  • While the college will make every effort to fairly determine a student’s place of legal residence, a lack of acceptable documentation on the part of the student will result in the student being classified as out-of-state for tuition purposes.
  • Appeals for change of residence status should be directed to the Office of Admissions and Records. Appeals must be submitted and resolved prior to the end of the third week of classes. Any changes processed after the third week of the semester will be effective the following semester.

Exceptions to the Residency/Tuition Policy

Health Manpower Shortage Programs

Maryland residents who do not live in Prince George’s County but who enroll in one of the college’s designated Health Manpower Shortage Programs (HMSP) are eligible for in-county tuition rates so long as they remain enrolled in that program. This is true regardless of whether the student’s county of residence also offers the program. Residents from other states do not qualify for this lowered tuition rate. The following programs currently have the HMSP designation:

  • Health Information Management (A.A.S.)
  • Nuclear Medicine (A.A.S.)
  • Nursing (A.S. and Certificate)
  • Paramedic (A.A.S. and Certificate)
  • Radiography (A.A.S.)
  • Respiratory Therapy (A.A.S.)

The state of Maryland will periodically review the needed manpower in these areas, so there is no guarantee that this special designation will continue to apply to these programs. However, students who have begun one of these programs during the time it is recognized as an HMSP will be allowed to continue at the reduced tuition rate so long as there is no interruption in enrollment.

To receive the lower rate, students must be formally admitted in an appropriate curriculum and must be taking credit-bearing courses that count toward graduation in that program. In addition, students may be required to furnish proof of legal residency in the Maryland county that is listed on their application for admission. And they must provide a copy of their social security card during the petitioning process. The director of Admissions and Records reserves the right to deny the tuition reduction upon discovery that courses being taken are irrelevant to the designated program of study.

It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Office of Admissions and Records, 301-546-7422, upon acceptance in an HMSP program to verify eligibility for and receipt of tuition reductions. Failure to do so by the end of the third week of any semester will forfeit the reduced rate for that semester.

Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)

Any individual relocating to Prince George’s County or to the state as a result of a BRAC initiative will have the three-month residency requirement waived, provided that a copy of the official notice of reassignment or relocation is submitted to the Office of Admissions and Records, Bladen Hall, Room 126 prior to the start of their first semester.

Payment Methods

Full payment of tuition and fees is expected the day of registration. The college accepts cash, personal checks, money orders, and credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, or Discover) as methods of payment. Other payment options are described below.

Deferred Tuition Payment Plan through NelNet Business Solutions (NBS/FACTS)

The college offers a tuition payment plan for credit students for the fall, spring, and summer semesters that allows tuition to be paid in either four, three, or two installments, depending on the date the plan is activated. Payments are set up under an automatic payment system from a checking or savings account, Visa, or MasterCard with payments being deducted according to the plan’s due dates for the semester. A $35 processing fee is charged each semester.

Arrangements to participate in NBS/FACTS must be made through the Internet by accessing the college’s website ( and selecting Paying for College, then the Payment Options link to get to the deferred tuition payment plan. Students must be fully enrolled in the deferred payment plan prior to their tuition due date to avoid being dropped from their classes.

For more information, visit the college’s website or pick up a NBS/FACTS brochure from the Cashier’s Office or the Financial Aid Office. Both are located in Bladen Hall.

Employer-Paid Tuition

Many students receive assistance from their employers with the payment of tuition and fees. Certain procedures must be followed for this aid to be properly applied to the student’s tuition bill.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to present the purchase order, tuition assistance form, or letter of intent at the time of tuition bill payment.
  • The purchase order, tuition assistance form, or letter of intent must state the student’s name, social security number, amount to be paid, billing address, and original signature of person(s) authorizing payment. The bookstore is an independent entity from the college and is paid directly by the employer. If a student is entitled to a reimbursement for books, he or she must obtain a separate purchase order, tuition assistance form, or letter of intent addressed to Prince George’s Community College Bookstore.
  • The purchase order, tuition assistance form, or letter of intent will not be accepted after payment has been made by the student. Students paying their own tuition must be reimbursed by the employer or agency. The college will not bill in order to reimburse the student.
  • In the event an employer refuses to pay after receipt of a bill, the student immediately becomes responsible for all tuition and fees.

Note: Textbooks, course supplies, and materials may not be covered by this exemption. For more information, please contact your employer.

Veterans Special Payment Exemptions

Veterans certified to be eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill are exempt from the immediate payment of tuition and fees. Those with 100 percent eligibility under this program will have all in-county and in-state tuition and fees paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Those eligible at less than 100 percent or those being charged as non-Maryland residents will be held in their classes and then billed for the amount not paid by the VA. It is important that veterans in this program drop classes they do not wish to take since they will not be dropped for nonpayment during the registration period as other students are. Failure to neither drop an unwanted course nor attend it will result in an overpayment situation with the VA and a negative impact on future benefits.

All veterans enrolling through the Post 9/11 GI Bill must provide the college’s Office of Veterans Services with a copy of their letter or certificate of eligibility by the end of their first semester of enrollment to continue the payment exemption.

Veterans participating in the VA Vocational Rehabilitation program also will have all tuition and fees paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs provided they have had the proper forms submitted to the college’s Veterans Services Office on their behalf. A tuition bill and a copy of the VA form authorizing payment must be presented in person to the Cashier’s Office for this benefit to be applied.

If there are any questions regarding this procedure, please contact the Veterans Services Office in Bladen Hall, Room 122, or call 301-546-5282. Note: Textbooks, course supplies, and materials may not be covered by this exemption.

Tuition Exemptions

College Employees

A full- or part-time regular employee who enrolls during his or her nonworking hours in any Prince George’s Community College class that has at least 10 regularly enrolled students is exempt from payment of tuition. However, all related fees are the responsibility of the employee, including the Instructional Services Fees. Note: Textbooks, course supplies, and materials are not covered by this exemption. For more information, contact Human Resources, 301-546-7422.

Homeless Youth and Foster Care Recipients

Some homeless youth and foster care recipients may be eligible for a waiver of tuition and fees, providing certain requirements are met. Contact the Financial Aid Office for more information about eligibility for this waiver.

Senior Citizens

Maryland residents who are age 60 or older at the start of the semester are exempt from the payment of tuition for courses for which state funding is received. In addition, they are exempt from payment of instructional services fees, but not application fees, registration fees, and special instructional fees, e.g., applied music fees or telecredit fees. Note: Textbooks, course supplies, and materials are not covered by this exemption. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions and Records, 301-546-7422.

Notwithstanding the provisions for exemption contained herein, the college reserves the right to cancel classes for reasonable cause, which may include insufficient enrollment of regularly enrolled (nonexempt) students.

Maryland Disabled Persons

Any Maryland resident who is out of the workforce because of a permanent disability as designated by the Social Security Act, the Railroad Retirement Act, or the Office of Personnel Management (in the case of former federal employees) may be eligible for a waiver of tuition, but not fees, upon enrollment in courses which normally have at least 10 regularly enrolled students. This waiver applies for up to six credits for non-degree seeking students in credit courses and up to 12 credits per semester for those enrolled in a degree program or a credit certificate program that leads to employment. It also covers tuition for continuing education instruction designed to lead to employment, including life skills instruction. Note: Textbooks, course supplies, and materials are not covered by this exemption. For more information, contact the Office of Admissions and Records, 301-546-7422.

In order to qualify for the waiver, students who wish to take credit courses must apply for financial aid for the appropriate academic year using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) prior to requesting the waiver and must present confirmation of that fact with the waiver application. If awarded, the tuition waiver will be in effect for one academic year, commencing with the fall semester. It will cover tuition charges remaining after all other forms of financial aid have been applied (excluding loans). Students must re-apply for the waiver every academic year.

Contact the Office of Records and Registration, Bladen Hall, Room 126, to obtain the necessary forms to apply for this waiver and to get a full description of this benefit. Or e-mail your full name and address to to have the forms mailed to you. Be sure to put “Tuition Waiver Forms” in the subject line of your e-mail.

For those who will need accommodations arranged through the college’s Disability Support Services Office, all documentation supporting the application for this waiver must be on file three weeks prior to the start of the semester in question. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the college’s inability to provide the necessary services in time for the start of the semester.

Notwithstanding the provisions for exemption contained herein, the college reserves the right to cancel classes for reasonable cause, which may include insufficient enrollment of regularly enrolled (nonexempt) students.

Delinquent Accounts

Delinquency in payment of any amount due from a student or former student to the college or under any loan program administered by the college or failure of financial aid recipients to complete an exit interview before leaving the college will result in denial of registration, exclusion from classes, withholding of grades, transcripts, degrees, or certificates. The college employs the services of the State Central Collection Unit (SCCU). One of the SCCU measures is to refer delinquent accounts to the credit bureau. It will remain on the credit report for the next seven years. If the delinquent account is referred to a collection agency, the student will be held liable for all collection costs incurred, in addition to the delinquent amount due. These collection costs can add up to one-third additional expense to a student’s indebtedness to the college.

Tuition Payment Deadlines

While the College reserves the right to release courses due to non-payment following payment deadlines, it is the student’s responsibility to drop or withdraw from planned coursework prior to the start of courses to avoid financial responsibility.
The College has discontinued the practice of daily course deletion due to non-payment to allow for additional processing time of expected payment sources. It is critical to follow-up on all expected payment sources and make sure the funds have applied to your account to secure your course selections. This includes student financial aid, outside scholarships, payment plans, and third-party payments.

Please note students who have an outstanding balance of $150 or less after all financial aid and other payments have been applied to their bill will not be dropped from their classes and will be expected to pay the balance instead.

For more information, be sure to visit the college’s Paying for College  page.

BankMobile Debit Cards

All credit students will receive a debit card issued through BankMobile. It will be mailed to the address of record at the college. This card is very important and must be activated in order to set up a preference for the way refunds from the college to the student will be delivered. This includes financial aid rebates and VA reimbursements.

Students may choose to have refunds and rebates processed as deposits to their BankMobile Debit Card or they may choose to have refunds electronically deposited in another bank account specified on the BankMobile Debit Card activation site. The college no longer issues paper checks.


The effective date for the calculation of a refund for a credit course shall be the date the drop/withdrawal form is filed in the Office of Admissions and Records, or the date the transaction is completed through Owl Link. In the event a course fails to meet the published number of days prior to the refund deadline, the deadline will be adjusted accordingly.

The following schedule for refunds of tuition and fees will apply:

  • No refund of registration and late registration fee unless all of a student’s courses are canceled by the college.
  • One hundred percent (100%) tuition and related fees (except registration fees) refunded if courses are dropped before classes begin.
  • For courses longer than five weeks in length, a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees will be granted through midnight of the day after the first class meeting day, regardless of the day of the week that may fall on. A 75 percent refund will be granted if the class is officially dropped by midnight of the third through the ninth calendar day to include the first class day and weekends. Students who officially drop a class during calendar days 10 through 14 will receive a 50 percent refund of tuition and fees. No refunds will be granted after the 14th calendar day. Students are expected to use Owl Link to drop classes on days when the college’s administrative offices are closed.
  • For courses shorter than 5 weeks in length, a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees will be granted through the calendar day after the first class meeting, regardless of the day of the week that may fall on. A 75 percent refund will be granted if the class is officially dropped by midnight of the third calendar day, to include the first day of class. No refunds will be granted after that time. Students are expected to use Owl Link to drop classes on days when the college’s administrative offices are closed.
  • No refunds after the refund deadlines outlined above. Refunds of payments made by credit card will be refunded to the card as a credit. Note: This does not apply to credit card payments made against the deferred payment plan.

All other refunds will be issued electronically according to the preference set by the student when activating their BankMobile Debit Card. No paper checks will be issued. Failure to receive reimbursement from an anticipated funding source will not be grounds for a refund after the deadlines.