Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Important Policies

Emergency College Closings/Delayed Openings

It is the practice of the college to hold all regular classes on all days scheduled on the college calendar. Should an emergency arise that requires the cancellation of classes and activities, students may learn of the delay or cancellation in several ways.

  • Visit the college’s website, The cancellation/closure/delay will be prominently displayed on the home page.
  • Students who sign up for Owl Alert, the college’s free instant messaging service, will have notice of the closure sent to their cell phone as either a voice or text message or to the preferred e-mail address shortly after the decision to close or delay has been made.
  • Call the college’s main number, 301-546-7422, and listen to the recorded message. Closures and delays will be included.

In addition, the following radio stations will be asked to announce the college’s closing shortly after the decision is made: WBAL 1090 AM, WMAL 105.9, WNEW 99.1 FM, and WTOP 103.5. The following TV stations will be asked to announce the closing: CH 2 WMAR (ABC), CH 4 WRC (NBC), CH 5 FOX, CH 7 WJLA (ABC 7 News), CH 8 (NewsChannel), CH 9 WUSA, CH 11 WBAL, and CH 13 WJZ.

In case of hazardous weather, degree/extension center classes held at local public school locations will be canceled when the Prince George’s County Board of Education announces that the public schools will be closed. Other sites, such as Andrews Air Force Base, the Laurel College Center, and the University Town Center in Hyattsville, will follow the Largo campus weather schedule. If the Largo campus closes as a result of inclement weather, classes at degree/extension centers and sites will be canceled.

When the college announces a delayed opening, all classes with at least 45 minutes of class time remaining at the time of the opening will be held. For example, in the event of a 10 a.m. opening, a 9:30-10:45 a.m. class will be held. This procedure applies to all credit classes.

Student Residency Policy

It is the policy of the Board of Trustees of Prince George’s Community College to distinguish, for tuition purposes, among students who are residents of Prince George’s County, students who are residents of Maryland but not of Prince George’s County, and students who are residents outside the state of Maryland so that out-of-county students shall pay tuition as established by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Education Article 16-407(b), Annotated Code of Maryland, and out-of-state students shall pay tuition as established by the Board of Trustees in accordance with Education Article 16-407(a), Annotated Code of Maryland. In determining student residency, the following definitions apply:

  • Maryland resident means a student who maintains his or her legal domicile in Maryland and has done so for a period of not less than three months before the date of his or her enrollment at the college. To be considered a Maryland resident for the purposes of this policy, the student shall possess the legal capacity under state and federal law to establish Maryland domicile or shall be a dependent of someone who may do so.
  • Out-of-state student means a student who is not a Maryland resident or is a non-citizen who has failed to provide documentation of visa or permanent resident status.
  • Out-of-county student means a student who is a Maryland resident but is not a resident of Prince George’s County.
  • In-county student means a student who maintains his or her legal domicile in Prince George’s County and who has done so for a period of not less than three months before the date of his or her enrollment at the college or who is a dependent of someone who has maintained such domicile. For the purpose of tuition and fees only, in-county student also means a Maryland resident or a dependent of a resident who does not reside in Prince George’s County, who enrolls at the college in an instructional program designated as a Statewide Program or a Health Manpower Shortage Program.
  • Domicile means a person’s permanent place of abode, where physical presence and possessions are maintained, and where a person intends to remain indefinitely. The domicile of a person who received more than one-half of his or her financial support from others in the most recently completed year is the domicile of the person contributing the greatest proportion of support without regard to whether the parties are related by blood or marriage. This definition does not apply to those who do not have the legal capacity under state or federal law to establish domicile in the state or country. At the time of admission to or initial enrollment in any course at the college, each student shall sign a statement affirming domicile and the factual basis for the claim of domicile. An electronic signature is considered to be as official as one signed on paper. At the time of each subsequent enrollment, each student will indicate whether current domicile is the same as or different from that affirmed at initial enrollment. If facts indicate the domicile has changed, the student shall complete a new statement. Students who fail to report a change of address which results in the return of official college mail will not be allowed to enroll in classes until proof of the new domicile has been received. Students have the burden of proving domicile when asked to do so, and the college will request two or more acceptable proofs of domicile. Students asked to provide proof of domicile who cannot do so will be considered out-of-state for tuition purposes.

It is the student’s responsibility to accurately report their residency. Proof of residence and appeals for changes to a student’s residency status must be submitted to the Office of Records and Registration within three weeks of the start of the semester. Approved documentation received within the first three weeks of the semester will result in adjusted tuition based on residency status for that semester only. No retroactive tuition adjustments based on residency status will be made. Approved documentation received after the first three weeks of the semester will result in adjusted tuition based on residency status in the following semester.

 The college will consider documentation of any or all of the following as evidence or proof of residence:

  • Documented ownership or rental of local living quarters for a period of three months or more.
  • Substantially uninterrupted physical presence, including the months when the student is not in attendance at the college.
  • Maintenance in Maryland and in the county of all, or substantially all, of the student’s possessions.
  • Payment of state and local piggyback income taxes on all taxable income earned, including all taxable income earned outside the state.
  • Registration to vote in the state and county.
  • Registration of a motor vehicle in the state, with a local address specified, if the student owns or uses such a vehicle.


In addition to the general requirements above, the following provisions apply to Veterans and the following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill - Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in Maryland while attending a school located in Maryland (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Maryland while attending a school located in Maryland (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge or release as described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in Maryland while attending a school located in Maryland (regardless of his/her formal State of residence).
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 G.I. Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in Maryland while attending a school located in Maryland (regardless of his/her formal state of residence) and the transferor is a member of the uniformed service who is serving on active duty.
  • The policy shall be read to be amended as necessary to be compliant with the requirements of 38 U.S.C. 3679(c) as amended.
  • Honorably discharged veterans, active duty service members, financially dependent children of active duty members, and members of the National Guard who reside or are domiciled in the state of Maryland will be charged in-county or in-state tuition for coursework at the college.

In addition to the general requirements above, the following provisions apply to the specific categories of students indicated:

  • Individuals who have the legal capacity to establish Maryland residency may not be precluded from being awarded Maryland residency because of their immigration status.
  • A student enrolled in a program designated as Statewide or Health Manpower Shortage Programs may be considered a county resident for tuition purposes if domiciled in Maryland.
  • A student from outside the state who enrolls as part of a reciprocity agreement negotiated between Maryland and another state may be considered a resident for tuition purposes.

Notwithstanding any other provision, the college may enter into a contract with a business or industry that maintains facilities, operates, or does business in the state, to provide education or training for company employees for a set contractual fee in place of payment of tuition under the following conditions:

  • The employee is enrolled in credit or noncredit courses that will benefit the employer.
  • The company pays the fee charged by the college.
  • The fee reasonably reflects the usual costs borne by students in the same or similar courses.
  • The employees enrolled under this program shall be treated as any other student in accordance with college policies and procedures of the Maryland Higher Education Commission with the exception of payment of tuition.

Special Admission Policy: Nursing and Allied Health

A criminal background check and drug screen are required of all students in the health science clinical programs. Social security numbers will be verified as part of the background check. Continued participation in each program is contingent upon a satisfactory response on the background check and drug screen. All information on the background check and drug screen remains confidential. If a clinical agency denies clinical placement for a student because of the background check or drug screen, that student may not be able to complete the clinical program. The cost of the criminal background check and drug screen are the responsibility of the student. Specific information related to the process used for obtaining a criminal background check and drug screen will be discussed with students at orientation. For a current price of the criminal background check and drug screen, please contact Students, at their own expense, may also be required to submit to random urine drug testing at clinical sites. Results of random urine drug testing may result in the student not being able to complete the clinical program.

All students in health science clinical programs are required to submit a completed health assessment form, verifying general health, immunization status, and ability to meet the program’s technical standards. Students with incomplete health records on file with the college will not be able to complete the clinical program. It is required that all health sciences clinical students carry health insurance. Each student must provide documentation of current health insurance coverage prior to the first day of classes. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain health insurance coverage while enrolled in the program. Before being assigned to a clinical agency, students may be required to show to the agency proof of current health insurance. It will be the clinical agency, not the college that will make any final determination about clinical placement. If a clinical agency denies clinical placement for a student because of lack of health insurance, that student may not be able to complete the clinical program.

Statewide General Education and Transfer Policy

The following General Education and Transfer Policy, approved by the Maryland Higher Education Commission, supersedes transfer policies previously in existence and are effective and applicable to students first enrolling in Maryland postsecondary educational institutions in fall 1996 and thereafter.

Title 13B
Maryland Higher Education Commission
Subtitle 02 Academic Regulations
Subtitle 06 General Education and Transfer*
Authority: Education Article, 11-201-11-206
Annotated Code of Maryland

  1. Scope and Applicability
    This Policy applies only to public institutions of higher education.
  2. Definitions
    1. In this Policy, the following terms have the meanings indicated.
    2. Terms defined.
      1. A.A. degree means the Associate of Arts degree.
      2. A.A.S. degree means the Associate of Applied Sciences degree.
      3. A.A.T. degree means the Associate of Arts in Teaching degree.
      4. Arts means courses that examine aesthetics and the development of the aesthetic form and explore the relationship between theory and practice. Courses in this area may include fine, performing and studio art, appreciation of the arts and history of the arts.
      5. A.S. degree means the Associate of Sciences degree.
      6. Biological and physical sciences means courses that examine living systems and the physical universe. They introduce students to the variety of methods used to collect, interpret and apply scientific data, and to an understanding of the relationship between scientific theory and application.
      7. English composition courses means courses that provide students with communication knowledge and skills appropriate to various writing situations, including intellectual inquiry and academic research.
      8. General education means the foundation of the higher education curriculum providing a coherent intellectual experience for all students.
      9. General education program means a program that is designed to introduce undergraduates to the fundamental knowledge, skills and values that are essential to the study of academic disciplines, to encourage the pursuit of lifelong learning and to foster the development of educated members of the community and the world.
      10. Humanities means courses that examine the values and cultural heritage that establish the framework for inquiry into the meaning of life. Courses in the humanities may include the language, history, literature, and philosophy of Western and other cultures.
      11. Mathematics means courses that provide students with numerical, analytical, statistical and problem-solving skills.
      12. Native student means a student whose initial college enrollment was at a given institution of higher education and who has not transferred to another institution of higher education since that initial enrollment.
      13. Parallel program means the program of study (or courses) at one institution of higher education that has comparable objectives as those at another higher education institution, e.g., a transfer program in psychology in a community college is definable as a parallel program to a baccalaureate psychology program at a four-year institution of higher education.
      14. Receiving institution means the institution of higher education at which a transfer student currently desires to enroll.
      15. Recommended transfer program means a planned program of courses, both general education and courses in the major, taken at the community college that is applicable to a baccalaureate program at a receiving institution; ordinarily the first two years of the baccalaureate degree.
      16. Sending institution means the institution of higher education of most recent previous enrollment by a transfer student at which transferable academic credit was earned.
      17. Social and behavioral sciences means courses that examine the psychology of individuals and the ways in which individuals, groups or segments of society behave, function and influence one another. They include, but are not limited to, subjects which focus on history and cultural diversity; on the concepts of groups, work and political systems; on the applications of qualitative and quantitative data to social issues; and on the interdependence of individuals, society and the physical environment.
      18. Transfer student means a student entering an institution for the first time having successfully completed a minimum of 12 semester hours at another institution that are applicable for credit at the institution the student is entering.
  3. General Education Requirements for Public Institutions

A. While public institutions have the autonomy to design their general education program to meet their unique needs and mission, that program shall conform to the definitions and common standards in this chapter, and incorporate the general education knowledge and skills required by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education Standards for Accreditation. No later than August 1, 2017, a public institution shall satisfy the general education requirement by:

(1) Requiring each program leading to the A.A. or A.S. degree to include not less than 28 and not more than 36 semester hours, and each baccalaureate degree program to include not less than 38 and not more than 46 semester hours of required core courses, with the core requiring, at a minimum, course work in each of the following five areas:
(a) Arts and humanities,
(b) Social and behavioral sciences,
(c) Biological and physical sciences,
(d) Mathematics, and
(e) English composition; or
(2) Conforming with COMAR 13B.02.02.16D(2)(b)-(c).
B. Each core course used to satisfy the distribution requirements of §A(1) of this regulation shall carry at least 3 semester hours.
C. General education programs of public institutions shall require at least:
(1) Two courses in arts and humanities;
(2) Two courses in social and behavioral sciences;
(3) Two science courses, at least one of which shall be a laboratory course;
(4) One course in mathematics, having performance expectations demonstrating a level of mathematical maturity beyond the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards in Mathematics (including problem-solving skills, and mathematical concepts and techniques that can be applied in the student’s program of study); and
(5) One course in English composition, completed with a grade of C- or better.
D. Institution-Specific Requirements.
(1) In addition to the five required areas in §A of this regulation, a public institution may include up to 8 semester hours in course work outside the five areas. These courses may be integrated into other general education courses or may be presented as separate courses. Examples include, but are not limited to, Health, Diversity, and Computer Literacy.
(2) Public institutions may not include the courses in this section in a general education program unless they provide academic content and rigor equivalent to the areas in §A(1) of this regulation.
E. General education programs leading to the A.A.S. degree shall include at least 18 semester hours from the same course list designated by the sending institution for the A.A. and A.S. degrees. The A.A.S. degree shall include at least one 3-semester-hour course from each of the five areas listed in §A(1) of this regulation.
F. A course in a discipline listed in more than one of the areas of general education may be applied only to one area of general education.
G. A public institution may allow a speech communication or foreign language course to be part of the arts and humanities category.
H. Composition and literature courses may be placed in the arts and humanities area if literature is included as part of the content of the course.
I. Public institutions may not include physical education skills courses as part of the general education requirements.
J. General education courses shall reflect current scholarship in the discipline and provide reference to theoretical frameworks and methods of inquiry appropriate to academic disciplines.
K. Courses that are theoretical may include applications, but all applications courses shall include theoretical components if they are to be included as meeting general education requirements.
L. Notwithstanding §A(1) of this regulation, a public 4-year institution may require 48 semester hours of required core courses if courses upon which the institution’s curriculum is based carry 4 semester hours.
M. Public institutions shall develop systems to ensure that courses approved for inclusion on the list of general education courses are designed and assessed to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
  1. Transfer of General Education Credit
    1. A student transferring to one public institution from another public institution shall receive general education credit for work completed at the student’s sending institution as provided by this Policy.
    2. A completed general education program shall transfer without further review or approval by the receiving institution and without the need for a course-by-course match.
    3. Courses that are defined as general education by one institution shall transfer as general education even if the receiving institution does not have that specific course or has not designated that course as general education.
    4. The receiving institution shall give lower-division general education credits to a transferring student who has taken any part of the lower-division general education credits described in Regulation III of this Policy at a public institution for any general education courses successfully completed at the sending institution.
    5. Except as provided in Regulation III L of this Policy, a receiving institution may not require a transfer student who has completed the requisite number of general education credits at any public college or university to take, as a condition of graduation, more than 10-16 additional semester hours of general education and specific courses required of all students at the receiving institution, with the total number not to exceed 46 semester hours. This provision does not relieve students of the obligation to complete specific academic program requirements or course prerequisites required by a receiving institution.
    6. Each sending institution shall designate on or with the student transcript those courses that have met its general education requirements, as well as indicate whether the student has completed the general education program.
    7. A.A.S. Degrees.
      1. While there may be variance in the numbers of hours of general education required for A.A., A.S., and A.A.S. degrees at a given institution, the courses identified as meeting general education requirements for all degrees shall come from the same general education course list and exclude technical or career courses.
      2. An A.A.S. student who transfers into a receiving institution with fewer than the total number of general education credits as designated by the receiving institution shall complete the difference in credits according to the distribution as designated by the receiving institution. Except as provided in Regulation III M, the total general education credits for baccalaureate degree-granting public receiving institutions shall not exceed 46 semester hours.
      3. Student responsibilities. A student is held:
      4. Accountable for the loss of credits that:
        1. Result from changes in the individual’s selection of the major program of study;
        2. Were earned for remedial coursework; or
        3. Exceed the total course credits accepted in transfer as allowed by this Policy.
      5. Responsible for meeting all requirements of the academic program of the receiving institution.
  2. Transfer of Non-General Education Program Credit
    1. Credit earned at any public institution in the state shall be transferable to any other public institution if the:
      1. Credit is from a college or university parallel course or program;
      2. Grades in the block of courses transferred average 2.00 or higher; and
      3. Acceptance of the credit is consistent with the policies of the receiving institution governing students following the same program.
    2. Credit earned in or transferred from a community college is limited to:
      1. One-half the baccalaureate degree program requirement, but may not be more than 70 semester hours; and
      2. The first two years of the undergraduate educational experience.
    3. Nontraditional Credit.
      1. The assignment of credit for AP, CLEP, or other nationally recognized standardized examination scores presented by transfer students is determined according to the same standards that apply to native students in the receiving institution, and the assignment shall be consistent with the state minimum requirements.
      2. Transfer of credit from the following areas shall be consistent with COMAR 13B.02.02. and shall be evaluated by the receiving institution on a course-by-course basis:
        1. Technical courses from career programs;
        2. Course credit awarded through articulation agreements with other segments or agencies;
        3. Credit awarded for clinical practice or cooperative education experiences; and
        4. Credit awarded for life and work experiences.
      3. The basis for the awarding of the credit shall be indicated on the student’s transcript by the receiving institution.
      4. The receiving institution shall inform transfer students of the procedures for validation of coursework for which there is no clear equivalency. Examples of validation procedures include ACE recommendations, portfolio assessment, credit through challenge examinations and satisfactory completion of the next course in sequence in the academic area.
      5. The receiving baccalaureate degree-granting institution shall use validation procedures when a transferring student successfully completes a course at the lower division level that the receiving institution offers at the upper division level. The validated credits earned for the course shall be substituted for the upper division course.
    4. Program Articulation.
      1. Recommended transfer programs shall be developed through consultation between the sending and receiving institutions. A recommended transfer program represents an agreement between the two institutions that allows students aspiring to the baccalaureate degree to plan their programs. These programs constitute freshman/sophomore-level coursework to be taken at the community college in fulfillment of the receiving institution’s lower division coursework requirement.
      2. Recommended transfer programs in effect at the time that this regulation takes effect, which conform to this chapter, may be retained.
  3. Academic Success and General Well-Being of Transfer Students
    1. Sending Institutions.
      1. Community colleges shall encourage their students to complete the associate’s degree or to complete 56 hours in a recommended transfer program that includes both general education courses and courses applicable toward the program at the receiving institution.
      2. Community college students are encouraged to choose as early as possible the institution and program into which they expect to transfer.
      3. The sending institution shall:
        1. Provide to community college students information about the specific transferability of courses at four-year colleges;
        2. Transmit information about transfer students who are capable of honors work or independent study to the receiving institution; and
        3. Promptly supply the receiving institution with all the required documents provided the student has met all financial and other obligations of the sending institution for transfer. (acceptable for transfer credit and which of those are applicable to the student’s intended)
    2. Receiving Institutions.
      1. Admission requirements and curriculum prerequisites shall be stated explicitly in institutional publications.
      2. The receiving institution shall admit transfer students from newly established public colleges that are functioning with the approval of the Maryland Higher Education Commission on the same basis as applicants from regionally accredited colleges.
      3. The receiving institution shall evaluate the transcripts of degree-seeking transfer students as expeditiously as possible, and notify students of the results no later than midsemester of the students’ first semester of enrollment at the receiving institution, provided that all official transcripts have been received at least 15 working days before midsemester. The receiving institution shall inform students of which courses are program of study.
      4. The receiving institution shall give transfer students the option of satisfying institutional graduation requirements that were in effect at the receiving institution at the time the student enrolled as a freshman at the sending institution. In the case of major requirements, a transfer student may satisfy the major requirements in effect at the time when the student was identifiable as pursuing the recommended transfer program at the sending institution. These conditions are applicable to the student who has been continuously enrolled at the sending institution.
  4. Programmatic Currency
    1. Receiving institutions shall provide to the community college current and accurate information on recommended transfer programs and the transferability status of courses. Community college students shall have access to this information.
    2. Recommended transfer programs shall be developed with each community college whenever new baccalaureate programs are approved by the degree-granting institution.
    3. When considering curricular changes, institutions shall notify each other of the proposed changes that might affect transfer students. An appropriate mechanism shall be created to ensure that both two- and four-year public colleges provide input or comments to the institution proposing the change. Sufficient lead time shall be provided to affect the change with minimum disruption. Transfer students are not required to repeat equivalent coursework successfully completed at the community college.
  5. Transfer Mediation Committee
    1. There shall be a Transfer Mediation Committee, which shall be representative of the public four-year colleges and universities and the community colleges, appointed by the Secretary of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
    2. Sending and receiving institutions that disagree on the interpretation of the transfer of general education courses as defined by this Policy shall submit their disagreements to the Transfer Mediation Committee. The Transfer Mediation Committee shall also address questions raised by any institutions about the acceptability of new general education courses. As appropriate, the Committee shall consult with faculty on curricular issues.
    3. The findings of the Transfer Mediation Committee shall be considered binding on both parties.
  6. Appeal Process
    1. Notice of Denial of Transfer Credit by the Receiving Institution.
      1. Except as provided in Regulation IX A(2), the receiving institution shall inform a transfer student in writing of the denial of transfer credit not later than midsemester of the transfer student’s first semester provided that all official transcripts have been received at least 15 working days before midsemester.
      2. If transcripts are submitted after 15 working days before midsemester of the student’s first semester, the receiving institution shall inform the student of credit denied within 20 working days of receipt of the official transcript.
      3. The receiving institution shall include in the notice of denial of transfer credit:
        1. A statement of the student’s right to appeal; and
        2. A notification that the appeal process is available in the institution’s catalog.
      4. The statement of the student’s right to appeal the denial shall include notice of the time limitations in Regulation IX B.
    2. A student believing that the receiving institution has denied the student transfer credits in violation of this Policy may initiate an appeal by contacting the receiving institution’s transfer coordinator or other responsible official of the receiving institution within 20 working days of receiving notice of the denial of credit.
    3. Response by Receiving Institution.
      1. The receiving institution shall establish expeditious and simplified procedures governing the appeal of a denial of transfer of credit.
      2. The receiving institution shall respond to the student appeal within 10 working days.
      3. The institution may either grant or deny the appeal. The institution’s reasons for denying an appeal must be consistent with these policies and conveyed to the student in written form.
      4. Unless the student appeals to the sending institution, this written decision constitutes the receiving institution’s final decision and is not subject to appeal.
    4. Appeal to Sending Institution.
      1. If the student has been denied transfer credit after an appeal to the receiving institution, the student may request the sending institution to intercede on his/her behalf by contacting the transfer coordinator of the sending institution.
      2. The student must make this appeal to the sending institution within ten working days (two weeks) of having received the decision of the receiving institution.
    5. Consultation Between Sending and Receiving Institutions.
      1. Representatives of the two institutions shall have 15 working days (three weeks) to resolve the issues involved in the appeal.
      2. As a result of this consultation, the receiving institution may affirm, modify or reverse its earlier decision.
      3. The receiving institution shall inform the student in writing of the result of the consultation.
      4. The decision arising out of this consultation shall constitute the final decision of the receiving institution and is not subject to appeal.
  7. Periodic Review
    1. Reports by Receiving Institutions.
      1. The receiving institution shall annually report the progress of students who transfer from two-year and four-year institutions within the state to each community college and to the Secretary of the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
      2. The annual reports shall include longitudinal reports on the subsequent academic success of enrolled transfer students, including graduation rates by major subject areas.
      3. The receiving institution shall include in the reports comparable information on the progress of native students.
    2. Transfer Coordinator. Each public institution of higher education shall designate a transfer coordinator, who serves as a resource person to transfer students at either the sending or receiving campus. The transfer coordinator is responsible for overseeing the application of the policies and procedures outlined in this plan and interpreting transfer policies to the individual student and to the institution.
    3. The Maryland Higher Education Commission shall establish a permanent Student Transfer Advisory Committee that meets regularly to review transfer issues and recommend Policy changes as needed. The Student Transfer Advisory Committee shall address issues of interpretation and implementation of this Policy.

Nondiscrimination Policy

Prince George’s Community College is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all persons to the end that no person, on the grounds of sex, age, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, or status as a qualified individual with a disability, qualified disabled veteran, or Vietnam-era veteran, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity of this institution. Under this policy, this institution will not discriminate against any person on the grounds of sex, race, age, color, religion, veteran’s status, disability, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, or national origin in its admission policies and practices or any other policies or practices of the institution relating to the treatment of students and other individuals, including employment, the provision of services, financial aid, and other benefits, and including the use of any building, structure, room, space, materials, equipment, facility, or any other property. One who believes oneself or any specific class of individual to be subject to prohibited discrimination may, by oneself or through a representative, file a written complaint with the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Education or with the college president, or both. The Director of Compliance, Kent Hall, Room 133, 301-546-7011, coordinates the college’s program of nondiscrimination.

Title IX

Prince George’s Community College, as a recipient of federal financial assistance, is subject to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, as amended. It is college policy not to discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities that it operates. This policy not to discriminate in educational programs and activities extends to admission to the college. The college actively encourages the enrollment of interested students, regardless of race, sex, national origin, age, color, ancestry, religion, marital status, veteran’s status, or disability, in all of its educational programs, and the college fully supports student access to all programs without regard to sex stereotyping or other such limitations. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX may be referred to the Title IX Coordinator, Kent Hall, Room 133, 301-546-7011, to the Vice President for Student Affairs/Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Kent Hall, Room 119, 301-546-0412, or to the Office of Civil Rights of the Department of Education.

Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy

It is the policy of the Board of Trustees that no member of the college community shall be subject to any form of unlawful discrimination, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate partner violence/abuse, sexual exploitation and sexual intimidation.

The college is an equal opportunity institution with respect to both education and employment. The college is committed to maintaining an environment free from illegal discrimination and sexual misconduct. The college will not tolerate discrimination or harassment whether verbal or physical, flagrant or subtle, related to any individual’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or genetic information. The college will not tolerate behavior that contributes to creating a hostile work or learning environment.

Designated Reporting Authorities

[a] College Police, 301 Largo Road, Facilities Building, Room 102, Largo, MD 20774, 301-546-0666;
[b] Title IX Coordinator, 301 Largo Road, Kent Hall, Room 133, Largo, MD 20774, 301-546-7011
[c] Deputy Title IX Coordinator, Vice president for Student Affairs, 301 Largo Road, Kent Hall, Room 133, Largo, MD 20774, 301-546-0412;
[d] Office of Human Resources, 301 Largo Road, Annex B, Largo, MD 20774, 301-546-0613;
[e] Affirmative Action Officer, 301 Largo Road, Kent Hall, Room 130, Largo, MD 20774, 301-546-0170;
[f] Violence Prevention Center Coordinator, 301 Largo Road, Lanham Hall, Room 101k, Largo, MD 20774, 301-546-5281

Accessible Transportation

Accessible transportation will be provided to accommodate disabled persons on all school sponsored trips. Requests for accommodations must be made a minimum of 15 days prior to any trip.

Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus

Prince George’s Community College is a smoke and tobacco-free college and workplace. The purpose of this policy is to create a safe, clean, and healthy environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Smoke and tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, are not permitted on the Largo campus or at applicable extension centers.